Think Outside The Box

Yes, you do have a creative gene.  It's somewhere inside of you...we all have it.  While I've seen episodes of someone going too far with trying to stand out or be "different", when it comes to your personal space, when else will you have the opportunity to do just that.

The "details" in things is what catches my eye.  Most times, it's something that is just simply designed well.  While often times, the beauty in the out-of-the-ordinary can't be missed.

Here are a few of my faves from my Pinterest board titled "Design Detailing".  I promise, you won't have to stare to see the beauty in the details.  

This floating wall is used as a room divider.  The details are further noticed with the cutout of the art wall, recessed lighting and mini floral shelf.  Let's not leave out the black finish that makes it the bold structural talking piece it is. Love this!

Can you tell what this is?  It's some of the most beautiful door pulls I have ever seen (period)!!!  They're elegant and sexy at the same time.  The pattern on the floor adds a bit of edge and drama as well.  These are closet doors, by the way and it's all gorgeous, everything!

Pivoting doors are highly out-of-the-ordinary but exciting when you see them.  If you go to Google images, you will see tons of cool spaces that uses these modern doors throughout the home.  If you have a wall of sliding glass doors to your back yard, think pivotal.  If you have a study (or nursery) off of your master bedroom, think pivotal.  ;)

Well, do we really need to say anything about this pop-out glass-encased room?  Nope, didn't think so.  #INeedThisHouse #Love

On a significantly smaller scale, the gold accents used in this kitchen are tastefully done and gorgeous.  #TheDetails #ThinkOutsideTheBox

1 comment


The floating wall is absolutely EVERYTHING!!!

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