Moody Primary Bedroom

We've been blessed to have these clients for the past couple of years and they are The Most inspiring young, hard-working, professional couple - just starting their family with the most adorable baby boy - and they are super invested in the design of their brand new home. I love educated clients who know what they want, down to the details. Although some designers tell me they take offense as to the client encroaching into their territory, I see it as a ideal collaboration that sets us on a course of acheiving full client satisfaction. Set aside varying personalities and power trips - those are to be expected LOL - but when managed right, I get huge smiles and tears and well, amazing referrals. {wink}

For these dear clients primary suite, they request was --> moody, sexy & cozy! They wanted dark wood floors, dark grays and warm walnut woods. They wanted a fireplace, custom bar and varying seating zones. The space is very large so we were able to accomplish it all. The only request I had to politely talk them out of was the request for a 4-poster bed with enclosing drapes. It's not that this idea wasn't a sexy one, but based on the layout of the room as you'll see below, such a large enclosed visual "box" would have chopped the space into half literally and, in my professional opinion, wasn't the ideal design direction. I presented this design and they called it PERFECT! #winning ;-)


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